Match Report

Match Report - 12 Jun 2016, Holtwhites Bowls Club Top Club - Mens lost to Broomfield

Despite losing on all 5 rinks it was a keenly contested match. John Hooper losing by a single shot in the 2 woods, Ken Pheasant losing by 2 shots in the singles and Ian Thompson's rink losing by 1 shot to a measure on the last end.

Broomfield 3 rinks - 0 Holtwhites Bowls Club Top Club - Mens

Name Details
1 John Hooper 2 Wood Singles
2 Ken Pheasant Singles
3 Terry Guilder Pairs - Lead
4 John Baldwin Pairs - Skip
5 Roger Blower Triples - Lead
6 Geoff Benge Triples - 2
7 Ian Thompson Triples - Skip
8 Harold Clark Fours - Lead
9 Andy Hatvani Fours - 2
10 Eddie Dennison Fours - 3
11 Rod Smith Fours - Skip
12 Viv Oakley Reserve