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Holtwhites Bowls Club
Brigg League
ESL (2021 - 3 Triples)
Friendly (2 Triples)
Friendly (4 Triples)
ESL (4 Triples)
Friendly (2 Rinks)
Friendly (3 Rinks)
Friendly (3 Triples)
Friendly - Special
Friendly (3 Rinks & 3 Triples)
Enfield & District LBL (3 wood Pairs)
Enfield & District LBL (2 Triples)
Friendly (4 Rinks)
Holtwhites Men
Friday Triples (White)
Friendly (4 rinks & 2 triples)
Friendly (5 Triples)
Friendly (6 triples)
Friendly (6 Rinks)
London & Southern Counties - Challenge Shield
Middlesex Double Rink - Ladies
Friday Triples
Middlesex Double Rink - Men
Middlesex Double Rink - Men (Team 2)
Middlesex League
Middlesex League (2021)
National - Club Two Fours (Men) - Team B
Top Club - Mens
National - Club Two Fours (Men)
Top Club - Ladies
Scott Blain
Tony Allcock Trophy (B)
Trophy 2000
Trophy 2000 (Presentation) 2 Triples
Henry Rose Memorial Cup (Vets)
Vets (3 Triples)
Ladies v Gents
Members Drive
Tony Allcock Trophy (A)
New menu item
Holtwhites Bowls Club Web Account Registration
If you are a member of Holtwhites Bowls Club then please use the below form to register for a web account, if you have registered previously with the club website and have forgotten your password please simply complete a forgotten password form.
External Services
Do you already have an account with one of the below, click the image to register with it here :
Website account registration
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* please enter your gender to help us identify which teams you are eligible for
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Email :
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Emails must match
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Minimum 8 characters, at least 1 upper case, numeric, and special character(!£$%&@ etc)
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Confirm Password :
Passwords must match
Unfortunately our system thinks your registration looks suspicious, if it is genuine please get in touch through our contact form
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Club Competitions
Mens Competitions
Mens Championship
Mens Handicap
Mens Qualified
Ladies Competitions
Ladies Championship
Ladies Handicap
Ladies Qualified
Mixed Competitions
Mixed Pairs
Married Pairs
Open 2 Woods
May Pairs
Club Night
Nobby Beckett
Captain's Caraffe
External Competitions
Enfield & District Sunday Leagur
Competition Rules
Friday Triples
The Veterans League
Trophy 2000
Competition Rules
League Tables
Brigg League
ESL (2021 - 3 Triples)
Friendly (2 Triples)
Friendly (4 Triples)
ESL (4 Triples)
Friendly (2 Rinks)
Friendly (3 Rinks)
Friendly (3 Triples)
Friendly - Special
Friendly (3 Rinks & 3 Triples)
Enfield & District LBL (3 wood Pairs)
Enfield & District LBL (2 Triples)
Friendly (4 Rinks)
Holtwhites Men
Friday Triples (White)
Friendly (4 rinks & 2 triples)
Friendly (5 Triples)
Friendly (6 triples)
Friendly (6 Rinks)
London & Southern Counties - Challenge Shield
Middlesex Double Rink - Ladies
Friday Triples
Middlesex Double Rink - Men
Middlesex Double Rink - Men (Team 2)
Middlesex League
Middlesex League (2021)
National - Club Two Fours (Men) - Team B
Top Club - Mens
National - Club Two Fours (Men)
Top Club - Ladies
Scott Blain
Tony Allcock Trophy (B)
Trophy 2000
Trophy 2000 (Presentation) 2 Triples
Henry Rose Memorial Cup (Vets)
Vets (3 Triples)
Ladies v Gents
Members Drive
Tony Allcock Trophy (A)
Enfield Sunday League
Club Officials 2024
Honours Board
Photo Galleries
Club Rules & Expectations
Rink Etiquette
Data Protection
Site map
Cleaning Rota