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Holtwhites Bowls Club News story

Club Internal competition Finals weekend

18 Sep 2023



The Club Internal Competition Finals were held last weekend, they were all very competitively played and the winners were: -

 Ladies Handicap - Pam Alcock                                                   2 Woods - Natasha Pooran

   Mixed Pairs - Chris Loftis and Rod Smith                        Mens Handicap - Geoff Benge

Unqualified - Natasha Pooran                               Mens Pair - Rod Smith and Andy Downe

Ladies Pairs - Chris Loftis and Pam Alcock

Mens Championship - Geoff Benge                          Ladies Championship - Frances Kelly

Congratulations to all who took part in the Finals and to all members who had taken part in the earlier rounds.

We would also like to thank all the markers - Jo Silles, Adrian Mabbott, John Churcher, Terry Guilder and Pam Alcock.


Special thanks go to all the people who helped with the preparation of food and drinks for both days ( and the clearing up), and to David Norton and Geoff Benge who provided the great food that was appreciated by all. And lastly to all who came along to watch the matches and enjoy the company of other members.